Friday, November 21, 2008


a world where we have to teach
our children the concept of war.
How silly they would think we were,
destroying ourselves;
all the potential wiped out
by one bomb, one gun, one knife.
Could we as historic figures
ever prove to the future
that our hate, our violence,
was important enough
to kill even one other person?
Can we ever justify
the slaughter of innocent children?
Barbaric, they would say
of our prideful, civilized nation.

a world where love and learning,
growth and gladness,
were the measure of the day;
where sin and sorrow
were abstract ideas;
a place of peace
goodwill to all man
woman and child;
where "do unto others
as you would have them
do unto you"
were really the only way to live.

a place, a time,
where harmony
was more than just
going alone;
where race and religion,
color and creed,
were a celebration
of who we all were;
and embarrassment
of where we came from
as a human race
was replaced
with the notion
that it was only
a stepping stone
to perfect peace.

Copyright © 2001 by Shawn Murray

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